Swim practices will look and feel different this year as we implement changes to keep everyone safe.
Before entering the Zatzman Sportsplex to swim as a Whaler, each swimmer must read, sign and submit two documents: – a Swim Nova Scotia Covid-19 Declaration of Compliance and a Swim Nova Scotia Acknowledgement of Assumption of Risk. These documents are attached. Send your signed Forms to Gord Brost at pastpresident@dwmsc.com. Once swimming starts, there will be a health monitoring requirement prior to each swim (the process for this is still in the works).
On deck, masks will be required at all times while not swimming. There will be changes to our pre-swim routine, lane organization and etiquette . There will be no equipment sharing. More detail on these and other responses to Covid-19 can be found in our Dartmouth Whalers Masters Swim Club’s “Swim Nova Scotia Covid-19 Return to Swim Plan (Phase 2)” or in the summary of return to swimming guidelines that will be sent out to all registrants..
Please do not hesitate to reach out to our President, Pauline Surkan, at president@dwmsc.com should you have any questions about the Whalers’ Covid-19 response and protocols.